Sign up to other activities and workshops, available during the festival.


We got your back! Being navigating those career choices or developing the skills you need to make up for the communicator your know your have in you, there are some FREE workshops you might not want to miss.

A Tour in Zurich 4 KIDS

A Tour in Zurich 4 KIDS

A free tour for your kids, while you enjoy the Women in Sports film session. Sign your children up for this surprising tour around the city of Zurich. Meeting point at the Corso. Tour with Mario Trüb.

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Seeing & Being Seen: Self-Worth, Visibility, Media

Seeing & Being Seen: Self-Worth, Visibility, Media

If it’s time for your voice to be heard, and for your work to be seen, or if it’s time for your values and stories to be represented, join this workshop and learn how you can get unblocked as well as support those you admire, respect, and care about in a visibility journey that can change the world for the better!

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Book reading 4 KIDS

Book reading 4 KIDS

While you enjoy a cinema session and most especially AYA´s film art curation, your kids will be having an awesome time of their own. We will pick them up at the CORSO and we will take them on a book reading adventure. Sign up today. Limited sits available.

Think to come early so you can bring your children and have time to go back to the cinema!

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Career Navigation for Women

Career Navigation for Women

If you feel like you are in the crossroads of your life, this is the right time to stop and re-analyse. The new year is just around the corner and this free workshop will guide you though those career choices ahead of you. Join in and embark on a self-discovery journey. A workshop by Antonio Oliva.

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On Camera Confidence

On Camera Confidence

On Camera Confidence: Tips and Tricks for Public Speaking, Being on a Panel, Q & A and Interviews. Make your moment on camera COUNT!

Facilitator: Michelle Guiliano is an activator coach, TEDx speaker, and communications expert who has worked with UN leaders, musicians, Olympians, and executives who find themselves in the spotlight. She helps them to prepare to remain clear, composed, and confident - and to remember their key messages for all audiences. She'll share techniques in this workshop to help you be prepared for the next time you're on camera too!

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